Sunday, October 7, 2012

Moving sucks

Well I have been pretty non existent for the last month. I have not worked on my bikes,  missed calls, missed parties, unanswered messages, no riding,  just spent my time trying to get this house ready that we moved to.  It was a needed change in our lives. A fresh start...back to a simple life,  away from the hustle bullshit. Wake up and watch the sunrise over the lake.

I have a lot of plans for the winter, probably not nearly enough time but we will see. I am now about 50 feet from the getting on a the great river road and close to the backroads of Wisconsin.  I am already looking forward to a shit load of miles.

Hope to see everyone soon, if you are running the river look me up and stop over for a beer. Here's some shitty pics from the last few weeks.


Mr. G said...

Where'd you move to? Looks like you've got skull power for some serious welding, or an electric clothes dryer...

JB said...

Sergio, we moved to Lake City...about 40 mins North of Rochester along the river. That would be a clothes dryer outlet that almost killed me, went to plug in and she lit me up, thankfully I was holding the rubber part of the cord...yikes!

bluedawg said...

Jorden,You must fill me in on the details of your move .Haven't seen you in a while.I've got something for you.Contact me.DL

Mr. G said...

holy shit. howd that fucken happen?? Call the lectrician. Let'em catch a buzz..