Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Made it Home!
call me at the shop 507-288-9050 or my cell 507-251-1327.
thanks, pat
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Ride safe boys. Bring me that knuck!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Day 4 Frisco Colorado
We made our way through the mountains of Colorado today on two lane roads. It was epic and I don't know what else could describe it. Camped on the Gunnison River in Colorado last night. The chopper gods have been good to us!
Jordan Barnes
Monday, June 20, 2011
Then there was 8
Today we gained two more rulers for the trip. Cody and Steve caught up to us in Nebraska. Steve is ridin my dream bike this 75 sporty in the pic...break downs every 20 miles...fuckin shit rules!
Jordan Barnes
Sunday, June 19, 2011
been lost.
P.S. don't park behind speed theory on a rainy day.. your 240 will get flooded and set your trip back a few days. now to see what my insurance says about my flooded car, busted starter, faulty radio, cracked windshield, and moldy carpet. Oh yeah, clutch is starting to make noise now.. WTF... thanks mother nature. I could have done without this. OH YEAH: don't wait till last minute to book your motorcycle road test. It'll rain and you won't be able to take the test. and your car will get flooded.
Day 1 Sioux City Iowa, stumbled upon this camping, free beer, free food...Waiting for the catch! Only casualty yesterday was my old we are heading through Nebraska on our way to Colorado. Nebraska blows if I remember right.
Jordan Barnes
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Travel Light!

What am I forgettin besides the obvious shit..tent, sleeping bag, clothes....First time I have packed for a 2 1/2 week trip.
duct tape
electrical tape
safety wire
zip ties
20' of wire
torx bits
other basic tools
large plastic bags
nylon cord
phone charger
Gotta pack light but I know I am forgetting some basic shit?
Less Cam, Same Power!

On late model sportsters torque your pinion nut to 70ft/lbs and use green loctite. I think this is what caused my problems, because stock tq spec is 35-40 ft/lbs. This allowed the pinion gear to spin on the shaft.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
snooze yah looze
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Monday, June 6, 2011
I see lots going on in MN with cycles and I'm getting really close to getting my shit together with the teaching job, so im out running errands and I meet up with Chris Morris, who's building a hardtailed pan. We check out his garage and I spot the sick paint work he's got going on and a few of his other projects. Then we hop in the car and head over Raritan way to see his pan at Mike's HUGE shop 47industries. He's got a ton of work going on, all sweet stuff and a very capable shop. Remembered to snap a few pics of the sweetness for the followers. Gotta get a good network of fellow minded people out here, since I can't bring my MN family here with me.
Cool story to share. I am talking with my neighbor (big long 113in "el Bruto" chopper, 96in fatboy with a rivera forward swept mani, both S&S carbs) about how his bikes act funny once in a while. The long bike, gets really hot when cruising, and the fatboy has a hard time getting enough fuel when stopped at a light. both HAUL ASS and don't act funny when he gets the hammering. I told him no worries, we'd take a look at them wednesday morning, that I could help him figure out a voltage draining issue on his long bike then, check the timing and possibly see what the carbs were doing. He then starts telling me about this springer bike he was running in the 90's that he was having trouble with the tune up and needed some work, so him and his cousin (lead singer for Agnostic Front) ride into Brooklyn to this guy who tunes carbs with an automotive stethoscope... Indian Larry set his bike up and was his go-to guy when the bike was acting funny. He tells me he misses him, because nothing has ever ran as perfect. R.I.P. INDIAN LARRY! I'd better start setting these bikes up, he says he's got a gang of rider friends who need their shit sorted out....... uhhh PAT, I need some help :)
Knuckle Shuffle 2011

What a fuckin weekend! Sheep tied up in the road, amish people everywhere, blown out rear tire, free PBR, met a lot of cool ass people, popped my knucklehead cherry for 100 miles, sunburnt as fuck, 500 miles of sick riding, Teach's open house was killer, I could go on for days! To my brother Pat, I owe you a solid for saving my ass and getting my bike home. Thanks buddy!
Sorry for the shitty phone pics...hopefully I can link up a few of the better ones